Dr.Rab Nawaz Maken

Consultant Oncologist INMOL Cancer Hospital Lahore

Thursday 6 February 2014

Lung Cancer is a notorious disease

Dear all, wish you good health. Locally advance non small cell lung cancer is a notorious disease for taking away majority of patients from us within couple of years. I have seen in my practice that majority leave us in two years after diagnosis. Complete response to treatment is rare. Most of my patient are poor and can't afford new drugs. I use cisplatin and etoposide. At times my fellows laugh at me for using older drugs. An old smoker visited me wih diagnosis of NSCLC. His disease was invading mediastinum and aorta was involved radiologically. I opted gentle approch and started with chemotheray. He received four cycles of cisplatin and etoposide. His disease went into complete radiological resopnse. He is on follow up. Without local radiotherapy and consolidation chemotherapy, he is symptom free and disease free for last six months. I wish for his good health.


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